Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes will inspire you to lead an undefeated life!
Without a speck of doubt, he is one of the greatest mixed martial artists of all time with a stainless record of 29 wins and no losses.
Khabib Nurmagomedov is a retired Russian professional MMA( Mixed Martial Artist) with an undefeated record and was admitted to the UFC Hall of Fame on June 30, 2022.
Khabib Quotes are exemplary, precisely resembling his fights.
I’m sure you would love to hear his thoughts.
Without further ado, let’s jump straight to Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes.
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Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
Khabib Quotes
Khabib Nurmagomedov Best Quotes
1- “Send me location.”
2- “Eagles don’t stay in the cage.”

3- “My style is not like anyone’s. I’m not a typical wrestler.”
4- “Tomorrow night, I’m gonna smash your boy, guys.”
5- “I want to become the greatest lightweight ever. This is what I want.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
6- “I am not afraid to face any opponent. I will fight anyone, anywhere, anytime.”
7- “People will stop talking about Conor.”
8- “If you can bring King Kong and he can make 155 lbs, lets go!”
9- “Who cares if you’re tired or not, nobody cares, If you wanna become champion don’t complain.”
10- “When you truly fight for money, and you truly fight for legacy, its two different mentalities. I am here for legacy.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
11- “I want to stay humble, but I have to talk because the other guys talk too much, and… I understand the crazy power the UFC PR machine has.”
12- “I don’t think about, ‘Oh, I’m finally getting my respect,’ because I don’t care about this.”
13- “I have a big big fire inside, and I really want to compete with the bests fighter’s in the world. This is not about the best fighter from a country, or somewhere. This is about 7 billion people, who’s the best? Bring this guy.”
14- “Give me 30 minutes rest, little drink of water. Give me 30 minutes, and I can fight with anybody.”
15- “I feel I represent my country: not only my country but all former U.S.S.R. countries because I have very big fan base here, and I have more than a billion Muslim fans. I feel I represent these guys all around the world. My fans. This gives me very good energy. When I go to the cage, I think about these people.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
16- “When I fought with Michael Johnson, when I took his arm for the kimura, I can break it, but I go very slowly, be careful, because I don’t want to give him injury.”
17- “You have to be ready for everybody. And that’s why I keep going. You have to learn everyday something, everyday you have to learn.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Famous Quotes
18- “I just wanna maul people, this is what I wanna do.”
19- “Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.”
20- “I always tell kids to put education first. Because if you have muscles but no brains, then you’ll have problems.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
21- ”Irish only 6 million, Russian 150 million.”
22- “You need hard work like before you became champion, you work because you were hungry, you need this, and you have big motivation, then you become champion, you lose your motivation, but you forget about other guys, coming, training so hard, very hungry, and you have to understand this. I understand this. I know this stuff, and that is why I keep training and keep working.”
23- “[There’s] only one king in the jungle. Hey, you cannot be interim king, only one king.”
24- “This is amazing. I hear a long time ago when one guy was talking about ‘We’re here to take over’ but we’re here to take over.”
25- “I think about only me.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
26- “Only the passion for the dreams, courage to pursue them, determination to succeed, turns them into reality.”
27- “‘Chicken’ McGregor”
28- “I know a lot of fighters fight for the money, but money is not everything for me. I know money is very important for life, but I have money. I never use MMA to make money. MMA for me is about my life, about my blood and about everything I do all my life. Money, I can make money with other stuff. I have money. I have everything. I need the belt.”
29- “It’s all about the hunger, how much you want it.”
30- “You have to punch hard for knockouts, and to beat me, you have to knock me out.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
31- “These guys talk when I’m injured, but when I’m healthy, where are these guys? Tony or Conor, it doesn’t matter. Or maybe they’re going to fight it each other? It doesn’t matter.”
32- “Where is Conor? He wanna fight with a bus. I want to fight with a real gangster. Iaquinta, thank you so much.”
33- “I know America is very nice and very good people. I’m a professional athlete. I come here. I never have a problem with somebody about my religion, about my name. I am happy. I’m always comfortable because I never do anything wrong. All the time I do something right. I follow all the rules.”
34- “I need eight weeks, train hard, last one week make weight, and go to the war. Because when I go to the war, I have to know I am ready or no.”
35- “I love competition you know. I love competition like sparring, grappling, like even if we run, I enjoy competition.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
36- “I have the greatest job in the world. I get loads of cash for beating the crap out of people and I am very good at it.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes Wallpaper
37- “I train, eat, sleep, and repeat.”
38- “I think I am the Floyd Mayweather of MMA”
39- “I care about my legacy.”
40- “When you have a hard life, a tough life, success becomes very easy.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
41- “When there a difficult decisions appear in my life, there are difficult questions to answer… I consult loved ones.”
42- “I’m from Dagestan, I’m born in Dagestan, and Dagestan is a different level for people living a tough life, people living in the mountains.”
43- “I need only water and bread, nothing more. I am mountain guy.”
44- “I don’t need a belt to prove that I’m the best. My victories in the octagon speak for themselves.”
45- “This is number one bullsh*t”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
46- “I don’t fight for the money. I fight for my legacy. I fight for history. I fight for my people.”
47- “I don’t know about politics so much. I’m a professional athlete.”
48- “Next fight? If the UFC tell me, ‘What do you want?’ I’m going to say Tony Ferguson.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes On God
49- “God is number one.”
50- “When Allah (God) is with you, nobody can beat you, nobody. You have to believe this.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Quotes
51- “The most important thing for us is to stay connected with God. Dosen’t matter what happens with you, you always have to pray. You always have to stay humble and stay focused and stay connected with God. This is very important for us.”
52- “Always be thankful to God. God give us a lot of things.”
53- “They have no idea how strong my faith for Allah is. They win the belts, I win the hearts.”
54- “The Almighty will solve our problem if we do not lose touch with him. There are no ideal people, no matter how hard it is, in any situation, we just have to hold on to this bond, If we lose the Supreme, we lose everything.”
55- “Millions and millions people around the world who work so hard but they don’t have this position, what I have. It’s mean, this is test from Allah.”
Khabib Quotes
56- “Don’t make this mistake, guys. Everything comes from God, you know.”
57- “I always tell my partners on competition night, ‘Hey don’t worry, Allah already knows what’s gonna happen. Just do your things, nobody control results but when you go into the cage do everything to secure your win.’”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Motivational Quotes
58- “Give me 30 minutes rest, little drink of water. Give me 30 minutes, and I can fight with anybody.”
59- “Most of the talented people are lazy. When you don’t have talent, you have to work really hard.”
60- “I know only one thing I want from UFC, you guys have to put me on No. 1 pound-for-pound fighter in the world, because I deserve this. UFC undisputed, undefeated lightweight champion, 13-0, 13 in UFC, 29 in all pro MMA career.”
Khabib Quotes
61- “Win or lose, I believe in giving my best. And that is what I always do.”
62- “A lot of fighters are fighting for the money, you know? But I never fight for the money, this is about my heart, this is about my spirit, this is about where I am from.”
63- “You have to punch hard for knockouts, and to beat me, you have to knock me out.”
64- “My number one job is to defend my title. And if I want to defend my title, I have to spend 5 hours everyday in the gym.”
65- “I’m training camp all my life, I’m wrestling with the bears. I’m really cowboy. He’s drunk guy. I am Dagestan cowboy, 100-percent.”
Khabib Quotes
66- “I never fight for the money, but every person is different.”
67- “This is not about, “Oh, I am tough, I am gonna show you got how I’m tough…” Of course I am tough, but I’m smart too. I am more smart than tough. And people watch on my record and think, “Oh this guy is tough”. This is not about tough, this is about mind, this is about how you think when you fight.”
68- “I don’t just want to be just like champion, I want to be like the greatest champion in the lightweight division.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Funny Quotes
69- “If I am not declared, I will not be offended. I will continue to train and beat all Americans. For their sanctions.”
Khabib Nurmagomedov Inspirational Quotes
70- “If you have a goal. If you want to do something. You have to do hard work. If you work easy, somebody other guy is coming and will take this. You have to work hard.”
71- “All my life I train hard, like since I beginning walking.”
72- “I think anybody can lose, any time, you know. Nobody is protected. All greatest fighters lose. But my plan is, when I go to the cage, I never think about “Oh, maybe I am gonna lose…” No, I don’t think about this. I think, “I have to catch somebody, because I am the EAGLE.”
73- “I am not just a fighter. I am a warrior of the heart, mind, and soul.”
74- “Honestly, this is more than defending my title. For me, it’s personal. Honestly, for me it’s personal. Of course this is the biggest fight in UFC history, and we’re gonna break this record … For me, it’s personal.”
75- “He just wants to make me nervous, but it’s okay. This is part of his game. And… of course I am a little bit angry, but… you have to control your emotions.”
76- “I came to the UFC to fight with top-level fighters and become the undisputed, undefeated champion. This is my goal.”
77- “My best background is, like, smash opponents. I all the time go forward. I all the time try to take down somebody. Make him give up. This is my style, you know. This is what I do all my life.”
78- “I never have a problem with the weight cut. My number one enemy is injuries because I train so hard.”
79- “Of course I am tough, but I am smart, too. I’m more smart than tough. People watching my record and say that this guy is tough. This is not about tough; this is about mind. You think when you fight. This is about everything.”
80- “With or Without you, there’s always gonna be champions. With your name, this is your choice. You wanna put your name there then work hard, if not bye bye! It’s simple.”
Khabib Quotes Deep Water
81- “There is nothing better in this sport than bring your opponent to the deep ocean, let them know what they’re about, and let them tap.”
“82- Justin is a very nice guy and opponent for me, but when Octagon close he have to be ready not only boxing match, I’m not Dustin or Tony. I will take him into the deepest ocean and drown him.”
Khabib Quotes About Parents
83- “Love your parents because you don’t know what will happen everyday.”
84- “Today, I want to say this was my last fight. No way am I going to come here without my father.”
85- “Family plays a big part in my life, and I always put them ahead of everything. I don’t see anything more important in this life than family. I think we should always put them first.”
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