‘Floyd Mayweather Workout‘ is inspired by his work ethic. Floyd Mayweather is a professional boxer and promoter. He is also lovingly called Floyd Mayweather Jr.
His father was also a former professional footballer, and he is known as Floyd Mayweather Senior.
‘Floyd Mayweather Workout‘ routine is the result of a boxing environment in his family. He has seen his father ‘Mayweather training routine.’ Since childhood, it was etched into his mind that he has to become a professional boxer and break all boxing records.
About Floyd Mayweather
- He is born on February 24, 1977, in a ghetto of Grand Rapids, Michigan America
- His early childhood was not very helpful for his cause. His father Floyd Mayweather Sr. was accused of drug trafficking allegations and jailed.
- His mother and uncle were also put behind bars in the same case. Little Mayweather was 7 years old then.
- He is an American boxing promoter and former professional boxer
- He is among the greatest boxers of all time. He used to call himself the greatest boxer of all time.
- He didn’t lose any bout in his professional career.
- His slate is clean. His winning score is 51-0
- He has won 12 boxing world titles
- Forbes magazine has listed him as the highest-paid athlete.
- He retired from professional boxing on 26 August 2017.
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Floyd Mayweather Workout
Floyd Mayweather Workout
Litlle Mayweather Jr. was alone and fighting his loneliness. He was an ordinary child outside and an extraordinary child inside.
Circumstances build him, hardships shaped him, deprivations strengthened him, and incapabilities fueled him.
He was a champion. He found his purpose in boxing at a very young age. Floyd Mayweather working out obsession was obvious from his work ethic.
Floyd Mayweather Working Out Ethic Motivation & Floyd Mayweather In Training Mental Muscles
We can see his madness in his work ethic. ‘Mayweather boxing and fitness’ & ‘Mayweather boxing gym training’ obsession justify that. Floyd Mayweather in training his mental strength works for these 10 work ethics.
He is known for his toughness, speed, and ferocity in the ring.
Here, the 10 work ethics of Floyd Mayweather is given. He has shared them in his various speeches and interviews. He has also told many times that his mental strength is because of his work ethic.
1- Live One Day At A Time
- Floyd Mayweather prepared for his matches with this philosophy. He was engrossed in the current moment and fight. This thinking used to keep him at peace. He developed his mental muscle with this perspective.
- When you live life in the present, you never feel burdened. Neither the experiences of the past nor the expectations of the future overburden you.
- We can adopt the same level of mental strength by adopting the same philosophy. You will develop into a fighter and not a quitter.
2- Always Be Your Best Version
- He says people will be jealous of you and try to disturb you because you are on the path to success. Don’t fall into their trap.
- When you listen to others, you need others’ validation and appreciation in your life. You cease to become the best version of yourself.
- You lose your focus and attention. When you lose focus and attention, you lose mastery. Other players will defeat you in the ring. Believe that you are the best and validate your statement.
3- Have A Plan For Your Game
- Mayweather says when you don’t have a brilliant game plan, you don’t have an excellent finish. Have the best game plan. Don’t jump into the ring underprepared.
- Have a very good team to rally around you. You must have progressive and successful people around you. The right kind of planning and people will change your level upward.
- A game plan helps in life to proceed on a particular track. It also helps you measure your progress and direction.
4- Be Focused On The Prize

- Floyd says that there may be boxers who are faster than me and hit harder than me. But no fighter can make adjustments like me. There is no fighter mentally tougher than me.
- I have a dream and the dream is to become the best. I don’t focus outside of the ring, I focus inside of the ring. I focus on the prize. The prize is in front of my eyes always.
- Prizes are pullers. Habits which are rewarded are repeated. When you win prizes, you develop a winning mentality. A winning mentality is important in life.
5- Dedicate Yourself To Your Craft
- Mayweather says that if I can work hard I can play hard. Nobody can work out for me and gym for me. Nobody can put the gloves on for me. Nobody can take the broken arm and bloody nose for me. I dedicate myself to my craft and improve myself daily.
- The lesson is simple, be the master of your arena.
- Whatever pain it takes to become the champion, take them and prove your worth. You are second to none.
6- To Become Great, You have to Follow Greatness
- He says that to become great you have to follow greatness. To become a great leader, you have to become a great follower. To become successful, you have to follow success.
- You have to stay focused and walk on a parallel path with greatness. You will meet your destination.
- There is no alternative to the dedication and hard work. Engross yourself into your purpose and astonish the world.
7- Never Overlook Any Opponent
- Floyd Mayweather says that for 20 years I have been facing many opponents. My slate is clean. It’s only because I never overlooked an opponent. I focused on everyone. I trained for every fighter the same way. I believe in my skills, I believe in my talents.
- Any two professional players have marginal differences. Only your negligence can give them an edge over you.
- It has a lesson for us. We have to be agile and alert. We have not to be complacent with our efforts. It is our laxity that keeps us behind.
8- Believe You Are The Best
- In Mayweather’s own words, don’t cringe. Believe you are the best. There is no blueprint available on how to beat you. You have to crack any Da Vinci code when you are in the ring. You are the best. There is no bragging and boasting. There is proof in the pudding. Men lie, women lie, but numbers don’t lie. 51-0 is the proof of my greatness.
- If you doubt your abilities, you become the second rate. You will never win big fights. The world will never remember you. You will be lost on the face of the earth and die an ignominious death.
- When you believe you are the best, you challenge yourself and improve your performance to prove to the world that whatever you say, you accomplish. It is a proven way to achieve bigger things in life. Have faith in your abilities.
9- Appreciate People That Support You
- This world is designed to thrive by being interdependent and not independent or dependent. Mayweather says that you succeed because of your team and well-wishers. There are so many people working behind the curtain to ensure your success. Be thankful to them and appreciate their roles in your life and success.
- When you appreciate others you are a team man. You excel as a team and leave an undeniable mark for others to follow in your footsteps.
- When you do good with others, good things happen to you. When you give respect, you receive respect. Appreciate people and give them their due credit.
10- Always Have A Backup Plan
- Floyd Mayweather says you need to have plan A, plan B & plan C to continuously put up good performances. He further says that in the ring, you can use your plan B and plan C, if plan A is not working. He elaborates that he has never beaten a boxer in the ring with plan A. He has to shift to plan B & plan C.
- You can never excel in life with the same set of skills. You have to take your skillsets to a new level. Your result will change then.
- The backup plan tells about your preparation. When you have mastery in your plans A, B & C, you are well prepared to beat any difficulty. Your backup plans give you strength in crisis time.
Takeaways From Floyd Mayweather
I come from a very rough background, and I’m saying that if you work hard and dedicate yourself that you can make it, too.
I am the best. There is nobody better than me.
I know that there’s a god because I was able to survive everything that I’ve been through – all of the tough times – and I’m still at the top of my game.
People have said things about me and wrote and criticized me about things in the past, but it goes in one ear and out the other.
Boxing’s in my genes. I come from a fighting background. My dad and both my uncles were good boxers. I’m blessed with the art of war.
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