Quotes are like a mental tonic. Best quotes about life struggles are like an instant boost for the readers’ mind. They not only challenge the existing beliefs but also give an impetus to our new thoughts.
Best quotes about life struggles are about living life when life gets tough on you. These quotes give you mental freedom and momentum. They give you hope when you are in hardship and struggle.
When things are going against you and life gets tough on you and you gather all your courage and motivation to face the challenges head-on, you become an icon and source of inspiration for your family and friends.
People inspire by you and your stories circulate in the forms of quotes. Best quotes about life struggles are to give you instant inspiration and encouragement to live life to the fullest.
Table of Contents
Best Quotes About Life Struggles
1)Your hesitation can bring a cry to your face.
When you are confused and perplexed then you are not in a position to make the best of the decisions. Your bad mental state handicaps your mind for the worst decisions.
Best quotes about life struggles
2)When you mismanage time, time mismanages you.
Time is the most precious thing. You can get anything again in life but time. When time is lost you can’t compensate it with money or any other thing. you must use your time in the most productive ways. When you struggle in life then go down memory lane and try to assess how did you spend your precious time.

3)Failure is an incident, not a destination. Don’t stay there longer.
You are never permanently failed in life. When you flop then it is only an event and not your destiny. Don’t dwell on your failures. It will stop you from taking actions and jolt your self-belief.
Best quotes about life struggles
4)Umbrella gives you the courage to walk in the rain, who is your umbrella in life.
Umbrella is an analogy for safety and security when the environment is not in your support. You require a guardian a mentor and a guide in life. When they are there in your life, your tough ways become smoother.
5)Your effort produces results. Your loss of effort produces excuses.
Tony Robbins has said that either you have results or you have stories. Whenever you make wholehearted efforts either you get desired results or you see some progress in the direction of results. Your half-hearted efforts very often lead you to failure and resort to excuses for face-saving.
Best quotes about life struggles
(3 Best Time Management Techniques For Your Excellence)
6)Don’t manage time. Manage yourself.
Very often you experience in life that you procrastinate your time and when a pressing need arises you in a hurry to try to manage your time. This is a sure way to lead a doomed life. Rather you should manage your habits and schedules to qualify for a better life. Manage yourself always for bigger and better things.
7)Your lone moments are your reflection time. Your loneliness can teach you what a crowd can’t.
When you are alone and in peace then reflect and analyze your life. You will be able to solve many problems and get answers to many questions. When you are in a crowd and so many things are happening around you then you hardly get enough time to ponder over.
8)When you give priority to your work you become precious.
Stephen R. Covey in his world-famous book 7 habits of highly successful people has written that successful people put first thing first.
When your priorities are misplaced your whole life is misplaced.
Best quotes about life struggles
(How To Prioritize When Everything Is Important)
9)You don’t get what you want. You get what you believe in.
Life does not give you what you want. You can expect so many things from life. But you get in life what you deserve. The kind of efforts you make in life decide the kind of proceedings going to happen in your life.
(6 Great Steps To Success-A Winning Combination)
10)Your mind can see what your eyes can’t.
What your eyes can see are mere sights. They have limited vision. What you can perceive through your mind is vision. A vision can see entire generations and centuries. When you are a visionary you become leaders for many. You, not only help yourself but you help a million others.
11)Success has the power to lift you.
Success is the greatest motivation. When you get success your self-belief becomes stronger. Your potential increases manyfold. You fly high.
Best quotes about life struggles
12)Opportunities always attract a more prepared person.
Success is always for those who are ready to take chances and are well prepared.
13)For every action, there is a result.
Whatever actions you make they are always followed by certain results. The important thing is that you have to take actions. Actions give you a trend and you can study the trend to improve your actions and thus the results.
Best quotes about life struggles
14)You have an extraordinary God and your problems are ordinary. God will solve them all.
God is there to solve all your problems. He is your greatest succour. He will save you from all struggles. Have faith in Him and do your duty diligently. Everything will be alright.
15)Don’t implant yourself in a teacup, you won’t grow tall.
Always have a bigger vision and a broader perspective. When you think little you become little. If you want to achieve gigantic things in life then you will have to sprawl your base and spread your network.
Best quotes about life struggles
(Think Big, Act Bigger-The Rewards of Being Relentless)
16)When you prefer a black and white life, you miss the colourful people in life.
It is your life and you have to choose things for yourself. When your choice is bland, you won’t feel delicious.
When you choose little, you get little.
17)You won’t remember days if you don’t have moments to remember in those days.
You mainly remember those occasions which are momentous. Live your life the way you are making moments to remember. Your entire life will become a sequence of cherished moments.
Best quotes about life struggles
(5 Excellent Habits Of Happy People)
18)Your actions reveal what you conceal.
This doesn’t matter whether you hide or show, your actions tell the story. You are your autobiography in motion. Take your steps carefully. People are reading you, minutely.
19)Prayers are hope when there is no hope.
Prayers show your faith in God. Prayers give you hope. When God is with you then you have everything. God can convert your struggles into successes.
20)The wages of mastery is a success.
When you are specialized at something then you become precious. Your mastery gives you name, fame and money.
Best quotes about life struggles
21)Sometimes right questions are more important than the right answers.
Right questions indicate your perspective. When your perspective is right your perception is right.
(Perception And Reality Connection-A Detailed Analysis)
22)You will bury your life if your excuses are heavier than your reasons.
When you have an excuse for every problem then the door of your improvement is shut. You will always hide behind something which you are not responsible for.
Best quotes about life struggles
23)Your world is a reflection of your thoughts.
Your action is an outcome of your thought. When your thoughts are high your actions are high. When your thoughts are low, your actions are low.
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