Jack Ma Quotes will highlight the characteristics. You can find here all that you can learn from Jack Ma.
His pieces of advice in the form of quotes touch every major aspect of one’s life.
From students, money, business, leadership, patience, friends, strangers, work, and most importantly, success.
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Jack Ma Quotes
Jack Ma Quotes
Jack Ma Quote
Ma Quotes
Why is Jack Ma Quotes or Ma Quotes so intensely read and deeply followed around the globe?
The simple reason is that they talk about common people’s issues.
They provide solutions to us. They have failure stories like we all face in our daily lives.
Jack Ma goes even one step forward and helps us with the best ideas.
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Alibaba- The house that Jack Ma built
Jack Ma Failure Story Must Be Known!
Jack Ma Failure Story Must Be Known!
- He was merely interested in English and solely for that purpose, would ride 27 km (17 miles) on his bicycle to give tourists tours of the area to practice his English for a long period of nine years.
- He has failed the primary school examination twice.
- He has failed his graduating exams thrice.
- He was committed to joining Harvard University but got rejected all ten times.
- He joined Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt.
- After his graduation, he applied for thirty-one (31) different jobs and was consecutively rejected by all of them.
- He was one of the 24 people who went in desire for a job in KFC and guess what, all 23 were hired and he was rejected with three words, “you’re no good”.
So, we all must take heed of his story and realize that it’s never over till it really is.
Jack Ma’s Tentative Timeline For Leading A Meaningful Life
Jack Ma’s Tentative Timeline For Leading A Meaningful Life

1- Be a good student before you turn 20
It’s the best time to learn as fast as you can and get the experiences you need to help prepare you for the next decade of your life.
2- Follow or work in a small company before you turn 30
In a small business, you learn to cultivate the passion you need to run your own business. You get to learn what it takes to run it like a well-oiled machine. You have to multitask. A good boss will teach you how to think & do things differently.
3- Between the ages of 30 to 40 years old
You need to decide for yourself which path you intend to take. You either work for yourself or continue working for an organization.
4- Between the ages of 40 to 50 years old
You must now focus on your strengths, the things you work at best. Jumping into completely new territory might derail you from your objectives. You may be successful, but the rate of failure is too great at this age.
5- Between the ages of 50 to 60 years old
Rely on the young. They are the ones that you should invest in. Identify and support those who have the potential. You may be greatly rewarded because the young have more zest and adaptability for the future.
6- When you at over 60
Now may be the time for you to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. It may be too late to start a business or change for the better. But hey, by all means, prove Jack wrong.
Jack Ma Quotes
Jack Ma Quote
Ma Quotes
Jack Ma Quotes For Success
1- “Success can come at any time and any age”.
2- “Instead of learning from other people’s success, learn from their mistakes. Most of the people who fail share common reasons(to fail) whereas success can be attributed to various kinds of reasons.”
3- “Today is hard. Tomorrow will be worse. But the day after that will be beautiful. Most of your talent won’t make it past tomorrow.”
4- “A leader should have higher grit and tenacity, and be able to endure what the employees can’t.”
5- “If you can’t get used to being rejected – just like a boxer who cannot take the hits or punches, how can you ever win?”
Jack Ma Quote
6- “You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die.”
7- “When you are small, you have to be very focused and rely on your brain, not your strength.”
8- “When you read too many success stories, you let it go to your head.”
9- “The most unreliable thing in this world is human relationships.”
Jack Ma Quotes
10- “No matter what one does, regardless of failure or success, the experience is a form of success in itself.”
Jack Ma Quotes About Money
11- “Today, making money is very simple. But making sustainable money while being responsible to society and improving the world is very difficult.”
12- “When we have money, we start making mistakes.”
13- “If you are still poor at the age of 35, it’s your fault!”
14- “Spending money is much more difficult than making money.”
15- “I don’t care about revenues.”
Jack Ma Quote
16- “We are never short of money. We lack people with dreams, who can die for those dreams.”
17- “Forget about your competitors, just focus on your customers.”
18- “30% of all people will never believe you. Do not allow your colleagues and employees to work for you. Instead, let them work for a common goal.”
19- “Don’t hire the most qualified, hire the craziest.”
Jack Ma Quotes
20- “You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die.”
Jack Ma Quotes – Business
21- “I think we have to get used to being rejected. We’re not that good.”
22- “I’m not a tech guy. I’m looking at the technology with the eyes of my customers, normal people’s eyes.”
23- “Customers are first, Employees are Second and the Shareholders are third.”
24- “Intelligent people need a fool to lead them. When the team’s all a bunch of scientists, it is best to have a peasant lead the way. His way of thinking is different. It’s easier to win if you have people seeing things from different perspectives.”
25- “Opportunity lies in the place where the complaints are.”
Alibaba- The Inside Story
Alibaba- The house that Jack Ma built
Jack Ma Quote
26- “It’s very difficult to know the outside world, but you know yourself. You know your need and what you want. If I know myself better, I can change myself to meet the outside world.”
27- “If we are a good team and know what we want to do, one of us can defeat ten of them.”
28- “Never ever do business with the government. Be in love with them, never marry them.”
29- “You should find someone who has complementary skills to start a company with. You shouldn’t necessarily look for someone successful.”
Jack Ma Quotes
30- “A real businessman or entrepreneur has no enemies. Once he understands this, then the sky’s the limit.”
31- “You cannot unify everyone’s thoughts, but you can unify everyone through a common goal.”
Jack Ma Quotes For Students
32- “Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world.”
33- “You need the right people with you, not the best people.”
34- “I am not good at math, have never studied management, and still cannot read accounting reports.”
35- “We should give the young people a chance.”
Ma Quotes
36- “Life is so short, so beautiful. Don’t be so serious about work. Enjoy the lives.”
37- “It doesn’t matter if I failed. At least I passed the concept on to others. Even if I don’t succeed, someone will succeed.”
38- “We should never finish a 20 year program in two years.”
39- “You never know that the things you’re doing are that meaningful to society.”
40- “I don’t want people (in China) to have deep pockets but shallow minds.”
Jack Ma Quotes
41- “Before you’re 30, work for a small company, learn passion, learn to dream.”
Jack Ma Quotes About Work
42- “My job is to help more people have jobs.”
43- “Never ever compete on prices, instead compete on services and innovation.”
44- “I don’t want to be liked. I want to be respected.”
45- “A new wave is coming and jobs will be taken away.”
Ma Quotes
Jack Ma Quotes About Strangers
46- “When doing Sales, the first people who will trust you will be Strangers, Friends will be shielding against you, fair-weather friends will distance from you. Family will look down upon you.”
47- “The day you finally succeed, paying the bill for every get-together dinner, entertainment, you will realized: Everyone else is present except the Strangers.”
48- “We need to treat our dear Strangers better! And even more so to Friends who know what you are doing and yet still SUPPORT you!”
49- “Let us treat STRANGERS who buys from us better from today. They are your BEST customers!”
Jack Ma Quotes On Friends
50- “When Selling to close friends and family, no matter how much you’re selling to them, they will always feel you’re earning their money, no matter how cheap you sell to them, they still wouldn’t appreciate it.”
Jack Ma Quotes
51- “There will always be people who do not care about your Costs, Time, Effort, they rather let other people cheat them, allowing others to earn, than supporting someone they know. Cause in their heart, they will always be thinking, ‘How much did he earn from me?’ instead of “How much did he SAVE/MAKE for me?”
This is a classic example of a poor person’s mentality!”
Jack Ma Quotes Be The First
52- “Don’t try to be the best…Be the first.
Be the first to change, Be the first to take the challenge,
Be the first one to overcome the difficulties.
Because to be the best person…there’s only one Olympic Champion!
I don’t think I’m lucky enough to be that. But I can always try new things,
And don’t give up, believe it…because you’re so unique.
Being yourself is always the key.”
Jack Ma Quotes To His Son
53- “You don’t have to be the top student in your class, being mediocre is just as fine, just as long as your grades aren’t too bad. Use your free time to learn other stuff.”
Jack Ma Quotes
Patience Jack Ma Quotes/Jack Ma Quotes Never Give Up
54- “The very important thing you should have is patience.”
55- “If you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the Greatest Failure.”
Jack Ma Quotes incorporate the motto of Jack Ma and his philosophy of life.
We can learn so much from him. His perseverance, resilience, self-esteem, and a lot more.
His quotes carry the charm of curtailing one’s perspective.
I sincerely hope that this article will leave you with a lot more than what you were before reading it.
I beg of you to take his advice seriously.
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