What To Do When Feeling Lonely? Are you also turning the internet upside down to find this answer? Well, you are certainly not alone then.
With fast-paced lives, our feelings and emotions are also on a roller-coaster ride.
When it comes to altering a certain feeling that we are undergoing, in this case, loneliness, we need kind of deep-rooted solutions and modifications.
Feelings are fickle and that’s why we need a permanent solution to get down with the feelings of loneliness because it does have that room to knock at our doors anytime and anywhere.
What To Do When Feeling Lonely? is a lock and tips to tackle them are keys. So, in this article, we’ll provide you with plenty of keys that’ll fit in most of the locks.
I hope one of the keys in this article will fit in your lock and help you unlock your door.
Read on to find them!
Table of Contents
What To Do When Feeling Lonely
Let’s start our journey to find a suitable key for our respective locks. Come on!
1 – Acknowledge That You Are Lonely:
Admit your loneliness. If you own your current lonely state, it’ll provide you with a much-needed paradigm shift that’ll give you a solution-oriented mindset.
The more you run away from your problem, the more it will chase you.
So, face it! And this will start your quest for finding the solutions to your loneliness.
2 – Put Your Trust In God:
God is your Ultimate Savior. Have faith in Him and submit to His will. See, you are a limited being and He is Transcendent.
You are not All-Wise but He is. Oprah Winfrey rightly said, “I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.”
There are times and there will be times in your lives where you can’t wrap your head around something or you fail to find a reason behind something bad in your life but it doesn’t mean that it does not contain any reason.
Your loneliness has something good in it for you. Believe it and your approach will positively change your current state.

3 – Introspect During Your Loneliness:
Reflect upon your mental state. It will lead towards the triggers of your problem and help you understand the underlying causes of it. Knowing gives you awareness. Awareness gives you freedom.
4 – Surround Yourself With Supportive People:
They are those you can count on your fingers when you are stuck badly in a situation. So count on them again to lay your head on their shoulders. Supportive people give you an amicable environment and trust to fight out loneliness.
5 – Get Started With Mindfulness:
Mindfulness is the practice of bringing one’s attention to one’s present moment. It is living in the moment.
Mindfulness is effectively employed to relieve depression, anxiety, and loneliness. You can practice it through meditation or other pieces of training too. It will ease your lonely state.
6 – Read And Listen To Self-Help Stuff:
Design a self-help kind of environment. Read self-help books, listen to self-help podcasts, and practice self-help.
7 – Nurture Your Existing Relationships:
Reconnect and reach out to people who play a vital part in your life. This time will help you realize the worth of significant relationships in your life. Foster your relationships.
8 – Take A Deep Breath:
Simply inhale serenity, exhale loneliness. Deep breathing work wonders. It gives you some time to realize and analyze. From now on, whenever you feel lonely don’t forget to take a deep breath.
9 – Positive Self-Talk Is A Must:
Don’t deprive yourself of positive and encouraging words. What you communicate with yourself is important. No matter what situation you are in practice positive self-talk.
10 – Do Not Overthink:
Overthinking can engulf your self-confidence and shatter your self-esteem into bits and pieces, making you feel even lonelier.
So, What To Do When Feeling Lonely? Do not overthink.
11 – Live A Purposeful Life:
Have so great a purpose in life that it’s worth struggling for while achieving it. When purpose drives you, loneliness can not even peep into your life. There will be no room left for it to visit, stay and trouble you.
12 – Refrain From Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO):
Build yourself in a way that FOMO no more bothers you. If you do that, you’ll feel and enjoy yourself rather than worrying about others’ fun.
13 – Embrace Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO):
Practice JOMO to escape the trap of FOMO. You will “Live In The Moment” then.
JOMO will push you towards a happier side among your lonely feelings.
14 – Be Committed To Something Productive:
It will keep your focus on something fruitful and you have no chance to think about your lonely state. It will positively impact your thinking and feeling.
15 – Gratitude Is The Key To Leading A Wholesome Life:
Be grateful for every person, every moment, every feeling, and in short, for everything good and bad that has ever happened to you.
Remember, it all happens for a reason. Gratitude will change the way you think and act and will make you empathize with others.
16 – Join A Club:
Join a class or club to unite with those who share your interests. It will give you a sense of comfort and belonging, It could be a literary club, library, art club, or anything that interests and suffices you.
17 – Have Balanced Thoughts:
Don’t let your pessimistic thoughts outnumber your optimistic ones. Create a balance between them. What happened to us is not important. What we do with what happened to us is important.
Balanced thoughts keep you in a good shape. When you are off-balance, you lose control.
18 – Include Healthy Foods In Your Diet:
Healthy foods do not only regulate your physical health but also your mental health. They will boost you internally. Healthy foods are very often the ambassador of your mental state.
19 – Try Holistic Living:
Go for holistic living. It is a type of lifestyle that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. They all are interconnected and thus influence each other.
20 – Do Some Physical Workouts:
Do some exercise. If you are physically fit, it would positively influence your mental status.
21 – Go For A Walk:
Stroll the streets. You will feel nice and accompanied. Observing will help you learn so many things. It also helps you concentrate better.
22 – Don’t Sulk Over Your Past:
We most likely feel lonely when we overthink and sulk about our bad past experiences. Stop doing it because it will only make us drown deep in it more.
23 – Stop Panicking For Your Future:
We should not engage ourselves in ugly and vain thoughts about our future. We’ll get worked up and will bound to feel down.
24 – Turn Towards A Counselor/Psychotherapist:
Seek professional help if you feel lonely too frequently. Make a move before your condition becomes worse. Your therapist is like your friend. You must share your true feelings and mental state with them.
25 – You Will Receive Medicines By Experts If Needed:
Your psychiatrist might prescribe you antidepressants or any other kind of medication to treat your condition if they consider that you need it.
Strictly follow your professional’s instructions.
26 – You Are Advised To Do Some Therapies:
The health care provider might suggest you some therapies like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Psychodynamic psychotherapy.
27 – Write Your Feelings Down:
Journaling Your feelings will make a big impact. Studies prove that writings thoughts and feelings down provide clarification and substance to them.
You will feel better by writing because there is nobody to judge your thoughts and emotions and you will also acquire depth of your condition.
28 – Make A Phone Call/Text A Loved One:
Hitting a conversation with a beloved may help you reduce your negative lonely feeling. This activity will help you.
29 – Plan An Evening Together With Your Loved Ones:
This small practice will make your day. Meeting with the one you trust and love takes you to a different world. Your feeling changes and so is your mood.
30 – Spend More Time With The People Who Are Close To Your Heart:
This is a golden piece of advice. Do follow it. People who are close to you are those whom you easily confide in. When you are in their company, you feel relaxed and calm. If you don’t have that kind of group, build one.
31 – Stay Away From Social Media:
Don’t overindulge on Social Platforms. You may fall prey to comparing your life with others. You may compare other Highlights with your Lowlights without realizing that people post their best moments euphorically.
32 – Explore Different Hobbies To Find Your Favorite Hobby:
Hobbies define you. When you are not sure about your hobby, it means you are still not sure about what attracts you most. Your hobby also gives you the company of like-minded people.
33 – Let The Creativity Flow:
Creativity is a catalyst that challenges your status quo.
God has given you creativity and imagination because He is not satisfied with your current state.
Show the world your creativity. Your loneliness will evaporate.
34 – Get More Vitamin-D:
Vitamin D is important for your vitality and life. It energizes you.
35 – Boost Your Serotonin Level:
Serotonin is known as the feel-good hormone. It staves off loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
36 – Make Your Surrounding Cheerful And Bright:
You are a part of the whole. That is why your surrounding is very important. They impact your mind, mood, and health.
37 – Add Aromatherapy To Uplift You:
We humans naturally love beauty and better things. Fragrances lift our mood and environment.
38 – Do Not Use Alcohol And Drugs:
Alcohol & Drugs take away from you your senses. A senseless you are much lower than you are as a human.
39 – Maintain A Journal To Write To-Do Lists:
Journaling is a reservoir of thoughts, memories, and imagination. Maintain a to-do list o articulate your thoughts and actions. Minutely analyze your journals. Your better version is hidden there.
40 – Make Lifestyle Changes:
You can feel stuck in the rut of the routine. That is sometimes a concrete cause of loneliness. Nothing inspires us. Changes keep our curiosity and progress going.
41 – Work On Team Spirit:
It means that you are a part of the team. You share, mix up, and think not only about yourself but also about others. These all set you on a high pedestal and give colour to life. You develop sharing and caring.
42 – Grow Collectivistic Culture:
When you think of yourself only as an individual, you live only a portion of your life. You are more than a person. You are also a part of the group. You are also a part of someone’s life. When you play your role in the collectiveness, you become a collectivist and an opposite of an individualist.
43 – Have Patience, This Too Shall Pass:
Patience will instil so many things within you and will help tackle the problem of loneliness. Patience is the calmness in you. You can surmount the insurmountable with this trait.
44 – Don’t Indulge In Cut-Throat Competition:
“The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” ―
45 – Find The Solace In Nature:
When nature will embrace you, nothing will depress you. Nature encompasses all emotions and feelings. It can communicate with you and give you company.
46 – Practice The Art Of Giving And Generosity:
“Give what you want to have more of.” Doing this will change you internally and it will help in making profound connections and relationships with people.
47 – Learn To Differentiate Between Idealism and Realism:
Be cautious of the trap of idealism and realism. This digital world deprives us of originality and makes us envious and greedy.
48 – Let Your Dopamine Shoot:
This can temporarily make you feel better in your loneliness. Sometimes in life, you just require a little push to walk in a new direction of life. A direction that gives a new meaning to your life. Dopamine keeps your pleasure alive.
49 – Socializing Might Help:
Try socializing instead of keeping yourself caged in a dark room. The friendly environment around you keeps you all charged up.
50 – Do Not Let Guilt Overtake You:
Do not feel guilty. You are not to be blamed for your loneliness. Guilt keeps you caged and does not allow you to fly. It clips the wing of your thoughts and imaginations. If you want to fly high, don’t live in a self-imposed cage.
51 – Stand Tall In The Face Of Failures And Criticisms:
Don’t let failures and constant criticism make you feel down. Consider them as the stepping stones on your paths. Build a huge bungalow of bricks and mortars thrown at you by others.
52 – Get Started With Spirituality:
Get started with the art of spirituality. It gives you peace and tranquillity. It gives you hope and energy. It brings a spectrum of positivity to you.
53 – Healthy Company/Environment Is A Must:
You are some total of the books you read and the company you keep. What is happening around you also shapes you. Pay heed to the environment and the people around you. When they are healthy and positive, you are also ecstatic and joyful.
54 – Do Not Over-connect/Overshare:
When you over-connect and overshare people take you lightly. The problem with over connection and sharing is that you slip into others’ spheres. The aftereffect of slipping is that you become an intruder in someone’s activity. Try to have your zone and live by it. It will add grace to your persona.
55 – Digital Detoxification Is Needed:
Digital detoxification is proven to decrease your stress and anxiety level. It also increases your creativity and improves your physical and mental state. It is applied by several people across the globe to realize their true selves.
56 – Be Flexible, Not Strongheaded:
Flexibility provides you with a wider range of choices that in turn give you a broader picture while your headstrong attitude will trap you in a box and surround you with negligible options to obliterate your lonely feelings.
57 – Don’t Blame It On Your Destiny:
Humans tend to lie on the philosophy of destiny and they at times put all the blame on destiny and use it as escapism. You should rather make an effort and try to move your condition rather than befooling yourself.
58 – Don’t Blame Your Flawed Health:
Your flawed health is not an excuse for your lonely feelings. I understand there could be times when you are ill but then making it a foundation for your loneliness won’t solve the problem it only multiplies it.
59 – Don’t Let Your Present Make You Feel Lonely:
Your present can be as devastating as hell, you might be surrounded by every probable issue anyone can think of, nevertheless, you should always remember that ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going.’
60 – Do Not Make Introversion An Excuse:
We all have different personality and set of attitudes that are influenced by our personality type. It’s been by and large accepted that introverted people are lonelier. Again people feel helpless in this case and accept it. Yet we have people who are both introverts and cheerful.
61 – Go On A Self-Discovery:
Dig in deep and explore yourself. This is the best time to fathom and comprehend yourself. Use it wisely and it will work as an antidote to loneliness.
62 – Expect Less From Others:
As William Shakespeare rightly said, “expectation is the root of all heartache.” Either close or confine the room of expectations. “The fewer the expectation, the lesser the disappointment.”
63 – Do Not Try To Become A Perfectionist:
Don’t measure everything in exact numbers, leave this duty to tailors. It suits them not you. If your start looking for precision in your happiness you are bound to find loopholes even in your happiest moment and that would be enough for a perfectionist to make them feel incapable, unhappy, and lonely. Enjoy the crest and trough of your journey.
64 – Establish A Required Social Circle:
Maintain a balance of your public interactions, neither go over the board nor just close yourself inside the four walls. Establish a required social circle.
65 – Do Not Try To Fit-In:
Situations force you to act a certain way and influence your decisions. Do not go for everything and anything that challenges your wellbeing and growth. Don’t try to fit it, just to make yourself accepted by mass. Never sacrifice with your principles.
66 – Do Not Make Fake Friends:
Be alert! We all are surrounded by fake people. We tend to fall for fake friends who in turn become one of the several causes of deterioration in life.
67 – Do Not Curse Yourself:
Drop a negative self-attitude. Be polite to yourself. We should build a healthy and respectful relationship with ourselves.
68 – Expand Your Vision:
The best way you can utilize your lonely time is by expanding your mental horizon and vision. Vision is a powerful thing, the more your nurture, the better life you’ll get.
69 – Work On Developing Good Habits:
Good habits will give you a good life, as simple as that. The initial process is unequivocally tough but if you persistently keep adopting good habits you’ll eventually lose bad ones too.
70 – Learn The Art Of Communication And Public Speaking:
This is the need of the hour! Work on your communication and public speaking skills to strengthen your personality.
71 – Learn The Art Of Expression:
Expression is an art that will help build a strong and healthy relationship. If you know how to put yourself across in a room full of people then you have a blessing that you should be grateful for. Utilize your time right and learn the art of expression.
72 – Build Courage:
This is not a world for cowards. Kind of “survival of the fittest”. It’s a harsh reality. Build courage and triumph will lie in your way.
73 – Build Self-Confidence:
Self-confidence gives us a fighting spirit. It urges us to do something. Self-confidence is always action-oriented. Actions bring new thoughts and perspectives to life. It is a catalyst in transforming you.
74 – Try Your Hands In The Kitchen:
Sometimes life gets stuck in the daily rut of routine. You start doing things perfunctorily. Try to do something creative and crunchy. It will change the taste of your life.
75 – Fall In Love With Yourself:
You are the most important person to you. When you are in love with yourself miracles happen. When you are against yourself, debacles happen. If you don’t love yourself, don’t expect others to do it for you.
76 – Take Some Rest:
Sometimes a small pause, a little rest, a comma in life begins a new story.
77 – Work Upon Yourself:
Always improve upon what you know and do. The progress of life is hidden in learning. When you improve, then everything associated with you also improves.
78 – Learn To Do Things Right Way:
It means to know things better to make an advancement in life. If your perception is wrong, your actions are going to be wrong. The right way is the progressive way. Progress brings happiness in life.
79 – Work On Your Financial Literacy:
It is a must. Most people lack this ability. When you are financially illiterate, you will always be facing the constraints of life.
80 – Watch Out For Your Tribe:
You are not only a human being but you are also a link for the next generation. It is up to you whether you extend their advancement or shrink them back. You can be a generational thief who is robbing them off or a generational messiah steering them towards glory. Check it out.
81 – Adopt A Pet:
A pet always teaches you to love and gives you company without expecting any return from you.
82 – Go On A Traveling Spree:
It gives you thrills and rejuvenates you.
83 – Choose To Volunteer:
When you become helping hands for others then others become helping hands for you. Living for a noble cause is a big way of living in the world.
84 – Realize That You Are Not Alone In Your Loneliness:
You are never alone. You are always in your company and God is always with you.
85 – Take Things Step By Step, Do Not Rush:
A step curtails a mile. Walk a step to cut short a mile. Your destination is always a few steps away. When you rush, you are not in control. When you are not in control, someone else starts controlling you.
86 – Place Your Hand Over Your Heart:
Place your hand over your heart. It reflects innocence and righteousness.
87 – Find Online Forums:
Sometimes you need a different group for a different thought pattern and a different result in life.
88 – Smile As Often As Possible:
It flows the energy and keeps the environment lively around you.
89 – Turn Your Loneliness Into Solitude:
When loneliness is speaking you are alone. When wisdom is speaking you are in solitude. In loneliness you miss someone. In solitude you become someone.
90 – Do Not Busy Yourself In Worthless And Needless Tasks:
Time is precious. It is limited. Don’t squander it on baser things.
91 – Surround Yourself With Motivating And Lively Sounds:
Sounds are energy. It energizes you and refreshes you. You need them for better mental and physical health.
92 – Remember Your Worth And Uniqueness:
Your uniqueness is your asset. There is no one like you. Your rarity makes you precious. It is given to you because you are not common.
93 – Do Not Lose Hope:
Hope is life. Without hope, life is like an unofficial death.
94 – Make Affirmations And Let Them Penetrate You:
Affirmations are the driving force of life. the pull the vehicle and continues the journey. Without them, we become doubtful.
95 – Read Your Favorite Genre:
Reading is an experience. It gives you different shades. The growth of life is hidden in reading and comprehending.
96 – Watch Your Favorite Movie:
It gives you relief and entertainment. Your life requires them.
97 – Watch A Funny Show:
It makes you laugh. It keeps you energized.
98 – Get Your Hands On Coffee:
You with a cup of coffee is a nice pensive time together.
99 – Cherish A Blissful Past Event:
It connects you with memories. The bliss of the past has the power to fructify your today.
100 – Take A Long Shower:
Sometimes, someday….. just for fun.
101 – Eat Your Favorite Food:
Eating your favourite food gives you a satisfying and happy experience. It also gives you party time. You need them.
What to do when feeling lonely is not only a question but also a mental state. We have given here 101 points to ponder and execute. They have the potential to convert your present and future. They are didactic and deep. They have the power to move mountains.
They are the new beginning in a disturbing life. They are the dawns and not the twilights. They are the essence and core philosophy of life.
We have worked hard to make the article useful and purposeful. We have spent months coming to these points. Even if it could serve one life, we feel satisfied and happy. Please share your opinion about it.
You can share your loneliness with us. We would love to help each other. May God bless you. may God bless All.
Thank You.