Kids are like blossoming flowers. Good habits for kids are primary guiding lessons. Kids model their parents. Parents must have those habits which they want to develop in their kids.
This article is specially written for up to 6 years of kids. The kind of habits suggested here are very important for their overall development.
Good habits for kids are inevitable as habits shape a kid’s behaviour. Early age is the ideal time when you can mould a kid’s behaviour and help him grow up as a better individual for society.
It is easier to take up good habits in the early years rather than change when you are an adult which can be challenging.
Good habits for kids at a younger age are important as habits are for a lifetime. Good habits are many. But some good habits are more essential. Those good habits for kids nurture other good habits in them.
Here are 5 very basic good habits for kids.
Table of Contents
Good habits for kids-1
Etiquettes and Manners
This is a very important habit to teach kids. In the hustle and bustle of life very often parents don’t have regular time to focus on teaching kids.
Teaching kids to say ‘thank you and ‘please’. This will grow them into polite human being who is courteous and helpful.
Etiquettes to converse with others and answer a phone call. Kids must learn not to interrupt others while communicating. Listen to others well and then reply. Use proper words and maintain eye contact while talking.
When they are talking over the phone then maintain a low tone and try to understand what the other person is telling. If the call is for parents then respectfully ask for the caller’s name and the message to convey to parents. Good habits for kids can be internalized by them slowly and gradually. Parents have a very prominent role in it.
Ask kids to learn how to greet others.
Teach your child to look people in the eye, face them directly, and shake hands when meeting them.
Set a good example: Your child will, of course, learn by watching you, so take a good look at your behaviour. Do you say thanks when someone does something for you? Do you speak respectfully to your kids and others around you? Do you treat family, friends, and even strangers with courtesy and respect? Evaluate your manners and conducts and make adjustments if necessary so that your child can follow you as a role model and learn from you how to properly interact with people.
This book will be very helpful for parents.
Good habits for kids-2
Hygiene Habits
Hygiene habit keeps kid healthy, happy, neat, and clean.
Washing hands before and after every meal is the first lesson in teaching hygiene. It keeps many diseases at bay. Washing hands can prevent you from colds, flu, new COVID-19, etc. After washing your hands use a dry towel or tissue paper to dry your hands.

Oral hygiene is very important and needs to be taken care of since early childhood. Very often kids develop teeth and gum problems very early.
Often kids get lazy when it comes to brushing their teeth, but this routine task should not be taken lightly. Parents encourage them with their favourite toothpaste and teach them proper brushing style.
Kids need to advise to brush their teeth twice daily, morning, and evening. Gargling after every meal protects them from cavities and bad breath. Cleaning their tongue with a tongue cleaner, and flossing their teeth regularly are hygiene habits never to be neglected.
Ask kids to clean their noses and ears on daily basis.
Bathing is not only good for hygiene but also for health, and energy. They are informed of the benefits of bathing daily and when they come back after outdoor games.
Wash your body, clean your hair, and combing them nicely, are all good habits for kids.
Kids very often put their fingers in their mouths. Parents must teach them to trim their nails properly.
Kids must also be trained to keep their clothes clean. Don’t spit around at any place. What to do at the time of sneezing and coughing. These lessons are very important for kids.
Good habits for kids-3
Eat Healthy Foods
At a certain age, kids get interested in the labels of their clothes. We need to start educating our kids about the more important labels that they should take notice of from a young age – food labels. Once they get into this habit, encourage them to learn about the nutritional value of food in the same way.
Show kids their favourite packaged foods and point out the vital information on the nutrition labels. Make it a habit for them to read those labels, analyze the nutritional value, and then decide its worth.
Inform them about frozen foods and fresh foods. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both kinds of foods? Choosing healthy foods for themselves is among the “good habits for kids”. Our aim should be to give our kids a simple mental parameter to judge between nutritious food and unhealthy food.
Advise them to focus on key ingredients such as the amount of saturated and unsaturated fats, sugar, calories, and carbohydrates. Parents’ conscious efforts will help develop healthy eating habits, which kids will carry for their lifetime.
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Good habits for kids-4
Habit Of Learning And Observation
Kids are great observers. They learn from their parents and their surroundings. Whether elders observe or not but kids are always observing.
We need to be very cautious with our behaviour and attitude especially when we are among our kids.
This observational learning skill is natural to them. Kids model and shape their behaviours and activities as they see others doing them.
Their simple mind fails to differentiate between good and bad. They start following what they repeatedly learn and observe.
That is why we very often see children mimicking their parents and family members. They copy their talking behaviour, dressing sense, walking style, and eating habits.
During the preschool years, our kids are especially vulnerable to adult modelling. During the early years, babies and toddlers imitate without a concept of why.
This exposure may be good or bad both for them. Here, parental guidance and a better environment are very important for the progress of our kids.
The presence of learning and observational skills also indicates the sharpness of our kids’ minds.
When we give our kids a better environment, their learning, and observation skills since positive things and they act and behave enthusiastically.
Good habits for kids are for a lifetime. They must be nurtured by us meticulously to help them become good human beings.
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Good habits for kids-5
Exercise And Play
Children are designed to run, jump, and play. They love to exercise because to them it is not exercising, but playing.
Their exercise and play are almost the same things for them. Besides a healthy diet, exercise is the best thing our kids can do to ensure that they grow up healthy and strong.
Creativity, mental games, and physical activity are good habits for kids. When parents and friends play with them and exercise with them, kids get enthused and enjoy doing it more.
They also take these activities seriously and continue with them as they see their parents and friends are also involved with them.
Exercise and play make them grow physically and mentally. It makes them strong and sharp. When they play with others in a group they also learn to share and care for each other.
Kids’ behaviour is shaped by all these habits. we need to be very alert and pertinent with our behaviours as kids model us. When we think of the improvement of our kids then the beauty is that we also improve with them.
Good habits for kids are many more. These are basic good habits for them. These habits become instrumental for their other good habits and overall good behaviour, which is the prerequisite for the development of any kind.
This article 5 Good Habits For Kids is specially written for parents. I humbly request all parents to kindly rate it. How has this article helped you improve your child? Give me your suggestions to improve the article. I am eager to listen to you in the comment section.
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